
Hello everyone! I sure hope you had a great weekend, I know I did! Let's start this M-ugh-nday off with a bang, ok?! 1st: You're going to get a dose of 'Doing all the things' Tuesday tomorrow, so get on the edge of your seat. ...on second thought, don't do that. You'd be there for about 24 hours and that's really bad for your lower back. 2nd: It was cold this weekend, and I'm here to admit that I didn't want to die. I know, right? 3rd: I had a free doughnut today. Don't look at me like that. 4th: I've been marathon-ing. New Girl, Parks and Rec (again), Scrubs, SNL, and Brooklyn 99. What? You thought I meant running?! Hahaha! Check out point #2 again for the reason I'm not running. Duh. 5th: Soooo many things coming up. Remember when I posted way back in March about the list of fun things coming up? This is round 2! From now through 1/2/16 I have something on the calendar every weekend! I'll start naming names as they come c...