
Showing posts from August, 2013

Nike running app and running early in the am

My neighbor wanted to get back into running. She conned   talked me into going at 5:15 am. I had been going to the gym at this time, but running that early? Ugh. You should see my hair at 5:15. I won't post a picture, you didn't do anything to deserve that torture. I don't have one of those 'woke up this way' looks. J-lo I am not. She's a lady, whoa whoa whoa, she's a lady..... monster. I've stuck to it though. We are on week 3 and I've only missed once, because of an eye infection. No, I can't run with an eye infection...on a 5:15 in.the.morning. It's mostly cleared up now, I just can't wear contacts. I'm basically blind without contacts or glasses, so you can imagine my fear while trying to decide what that thing was coming after me on the football field today. It was a tackling dummy. And it wasn't moving; I was. Uh....I promise I'm smart. Worst part is my Nike running app keeps screwing up. Anyone el...

17 days...

~~Old post left in draft folder. Had to post it. It's too full of information that is too good!~~ It has been 17 days since I washed my hair. Washing in my world is just rinsing my hair out with baking soda and water, then rinsing it with vinegar and water. But, it's been 17 days since I did that. I'm not gross. My hair doesn't have a smell. It isn't greasy. It isn't dusty/dandruffy. It doesn't look like I belong to a Rastafarian band, mon. I don't know what your regimen is, but mine has sure taken a nose dive over the years. I really don't do much any more, and every day it looks better and better. I'm happy, and I get more compliments than I can carry in a basket made out of my own locks! (I shed so much I could knit you a sweater. Email me, I'll get you one by Christmas) 17 days don't look that bad, eh? Look at my 'seesters'. Aw! Preggo Jen in black and hot tamale Liz. We're smiling because smiling is our fav...