Growing up, self-tanners, ...and doing all the things!!!!
Do you ever make lists of things you need to do? I don't mean things like stopping for gas, or buying a new nail polish. I mean BIG things. Grown up things. The kind of things that you have to do on your lunch break when the business is open. Things that require legal jargon, or measurements, or notaries. I've had a pretty overwhelming list for the past 4 months. I'm finally getting to the end of it, which feels good. Looking back however, I've noticed how much I ran from these tasks. Decisions that can change the course of your life need to be well thought out, and executed with importance. I took the time to research them, organize the plan, and then.....I postponed. I didn't delay because I didn't want to face them. I didn't delay because it caused an emotional downturn. I delayed simply because "I don't wanna!". I wanted my mom to do it, or my teacher, or my big sister. I don't wanna go talk to the mean man behind the desk. I don...
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